Since 2021, the Estate of (de Nalatenschap van) Kasper Demeulemeester takes care of the work of Kasper Demeulemeester.
¬ A selection of recent work (installations, publications,…) :
- && (As of February 2025)
- Chers Coopérateurs & HOW NOW, pt. 3 (February 2025)
- as part of the Executive Committee of Temporary Information Center, section Moortebeek (together with Jakob Van den Broucke))
- installation and publication on the occasion of the exhibition Hier wil ik wonen! by vzw Architectuurwijzer, in collaboration with Joris Kerremans.
- niwnyhu - museum in oprichting (I, November 2024)
- ongoing performative research workshop series on the exhibitionability of the present, in collaboration with Kunst in Zicht
- first iteration at De Warande, Turnhout
- Before disbanding the collection of 7" records within the Estate of Kasper Demeulemeester, different actions are undertaken. Some of the music on the records can be found here.
- a-chronological-list-of-albums-listened-to-by-kasper-demeulemeester-since-March-7-2022-not-making-use-of-a-computer-or-smartphone-all-of-which-can-be-borrowed-on-simple-request
- HOW NOW, pt. 2 published as n° 5 of T I C
- (as part of the Executive Committee of Temporary Information Center, section Moortebeek (together with Jakob Van den Broucke))
- HOW NOW, pt. 1 (December 2023)
- published as n°4 of T I C
- (as part of the Executive Committee of Temporary Information Center, section Moortebeek (together with Jakob Van den Broucke))
- NICC x 25 (December 2023)
- (as part of the Executive Committee of Temporary Information Center, section Dissemination (together with Jakob Van den Broucke))
- Tijdelijk Informatie Centrum, afdeling in Oprichting (November 2023)
- published Entitijd, as n°3 of T I C
- an interview with the Executive Committee of afdeling in oprichting can be read here
- Tijdelijk Informatie Centrum, afdeling Mol (September 2023)
- Heimat, The Third Phase : exhibition and publication (July 2023)
- Everything is Four & A... is for (Temporary Information Center, section Watou & Various Artists) exhibition and publication (July - September 2023/4)
- Temporary Information Center, section Moortebeek_BUS 46 : performance in public space (i.c.w. MUS-E Belgium) (June 2023)
- T I C : a subscription formula to all the (forthcoming) publications by the different sections of T.I.C. (As of May 2023)
- Allemaal op de Berm: collective performance, exhibition and publication by Temporary Information Center, section The Berm. (September 2022)
- Temporary Information Center, dep. A4 : started in the form of an article in the magazine of newspaper De Standaard (August 2022)
- Publication + Exhibition = A Foray into Concreteness (A4; you for I; euphoria) (February 2022)
- Gansberg-Koekelhoren : public archives (2013-2021)
- Contained Contexts Containing (dmk) : exhibition (August 2021)
- Heimat, phase 2: the Continuation : Heimat, fase 2: de Verderzetting (July 2021)
¬ Organisational projects in which the Estate and/or Kasper are implicated:
- Temporary Information Center (with Jakob Van den Broucke)
- Related: the project Heimat. All three phases of this project are well-documented on Jakob Van den Broucke's website.
- Between july 2020 and now, fifteen sections of T.I.C. have been founded: A4, Akkasie, the Berm, Dissemination, Framing, the Freedom (De Vrijheid), Meerhout, Menen, Mol, Moortebeek, Recreation, Sculpture, Watou, WIP, Temporary Transformation Center and in oprichting. The publication DISSEMINATIE functions as a vademecum to the T.I.C. organisation and the T I C subscription formula.
- The collaboration with Jakob Van den Broucke is and will not be limited to these collaborative entities.
- Lokal Fototek Foundation (with Vincen Beeckman) (on sabbatical)
- Buratinas (with nadine and Buratinas captains loose group)
- Tropicana
- Started in 2016, this space at the corner of de Hooikaai and the Lakensestraat, next to the KVS theater in the center of Brussels was the longest-running of Kasper's organisational artworks. In the end it was mainly active as a social grocery and foodbank, in collaboration with Femmes d'Algers et d'Ailleurs asbl. In the spring of 2024, works will start at the building where Tropicana is housed, which is owned by the OCMW of the city of Brussels.
¬ Publications available (get in touch for availability and prices) :
To get in contact with the Estate, you can: